Tutto è pronto e tutto per ora piacevole, l’atmosfera per la partenza è alquanto calorosa e amichevole ma tra poche ore usciranno le spade e le cerate più calde . Si va verso sud e bisognerà essere molto veloci per prendere i salti di vento più favorevoli! Prima la corsa lunga e dritta fino Eden poi affronteremo la prima vera bufera con una rotazione del vento da sud e li si che ne vedremo delle belle ! Da padrone quest’anno lo farà il freddo!
Buon natale a tutti
Hey all, hope you had a great X-mas day despite the weather. It should start clearing up tomorrow ;). Heres the last one before the race. Tomorrow well give you weather update as part of the crew brief before we leave. In short its all pretty much stayed the same with all models even more aligned than this morning.
The rotation to the East on the 26th appears to be happening a little later in the evening between 8 and 11pm transition to NE not until about 2-3am on the 27th with the breeze lightening up to 5-13s until dawn.
27th still kite days and all day from the NE although Clouds has it flicking into the N and NW at 8am. From 8pm the breeze will go NE before the 1st SW change comes through between 5 and 7am on the 28th between 15-25s
28th mostly under ib in SW-S-SW breeze between 15-25s but looking at the angle we might sail with cracked sheets.
All models have us finishing between 7 and 11am on the 29th.
WED 26
SSE/18-22 easing to SE/15-20 then SE-E/7-12 overnight
THU 27
NE/10-20 then NNE/20-25. Max NNE-N/20-30
N/20-25 shifting W-SW/20-25 for Bass St
N then NW/20-25 shifting SW-SSW/15-25 then SW/20-25 Tassie coast
FRI 28
SW/15-25 shifting SE-E/5-15 E and NE Tassie
SAT 29
SW/15-25 shifting SE-E/5-15 E and NE Tassie
Pic below shows the routes. Green is Clouds, red is Predict Wind GFS and Blue is Predictwind CMC model. Have also attached the routeing details for all routes in the attached spreadsheet. Thats it for now. See you all tomorrow.
Thats it for now. See you all tomorrow.