The Privilege Yard s.p.a is bulding in the port of Civitavecchia a superyacht designed by Abdeslam Laraki, designer and founder of Laraki Yacht Design, the 127 metre yacht is expected to launch by the end of 2012. A superyacht with a distinctive, esthetic, harmonious, recognizable design, yet classical enough to withstand time. A design, made to suite a range of yachts for Privilege. A design with enough personal character and distinctive esthetic features that even when built in different sizes, will still convey its affiliation to the ship yard.
One of the particularities of building superyachts, is the fact that in most cases, the yacht undergoes modifications during its construction period. Privilege One is no exception. “In September 2011, Privilege decided to add an additional deck to its first yacht already in construction from the Privilege series.
The second yacht of the series, a 137 metre yacht has recently entered its construction phase on May 26.